4月から生徒に週に4回(月〜木)ノートに英語で日記を書かせて、毎朝提出させています。20語以上の英語を使って、何でもいいから書き たいことを英語で書きなさいと指示しています。毎日生徒一人一人と英語で会話はできませんが、日記なら全員分読むことができるし、誤りを訂正したり、コメ ントを書いたり、質問に答えたりもできます。できるだけ毎回全員の間違いを訂正してやるよう、努力しています。少し前に、大変おもしろいことを書いてきた生徒がおりましたので、その英文を皆さんにご披露します。この子の英語の成績は最近中の下から上 の下まで上がってきています。英語学習に興味を感じるようになったことが成績向上の理由のようです。彼の書いたこの英文にはかなり間違いが含まれておりま すが、彼が言いたいことが十分に伝える英文になっています。校名の伏字以外は原文のままです。
When I was in the first year at ○○ Junior High School, I once went to a juku in the summer vacation.
I studied Math and English there.
And once at English class, an English teacher said, "this is 〜." But he didn't read "this". He read "Jisu". I didn't understand at all. So I asked him, "What do you mean?"
Then he surprised to me. "You're kidding! Don't you know the word's mean?" he said.
"No. I don't know it." I said.
Then he wrote on my notebook "jisu", and said "You know this word don't you?"
"Yes," I said, "I don't know "jisu", but I know "this"."
On the way home, I thought that English is only for exams to them, and maybe most Japanese
students call this word "jisu".
This problem is thought by me that accent is very important.
最後の行は I've thought about this problem since then. I think that pronunciation is very important.くらいの意味でしょうか。
"No. I don't know it." I said.
Then he wrote on my notebook "jisu", and said "You know this word don't you?"
"Yes," I said, "I don't know "jisu", but I know "this"."
On the way home, I thought that English is only for exams to them, and maybe most Japanese
students call this word "jisu".
"Yes," I said, のところは”No"になるのではないでしょうか?