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その投稿者のハンドルネームは薄っすらと覚えておりましたが、(ise****、 イセなんとかさん)
それがつい最近、その方が別の記事にコメントしているのを偶然見つけたのです。 なんと!
嬉しかったです。 ハンドルネームはiseheijiroでした。 さわりを紹介します。
iseheijiro wrote:
I honestly believe the media blitz like this article about Iran's
nuclear issue is a prelude
to war propaganda. Iran's nuclear development is not a threat. The real
threat is the US heading
for a hyper-inflation economy. Some say it will hit us around the
Christmas season 2010.
Robert Gates and Hillary Clinton are gang members beating war drums. In
their mind the war with
Iran would take US out of depression and increase employment at once.
Even war bonds would sell well.
Americans would work for minimum wage with benefits. However, if Obama
mishandles the war(very likely)
and starts to look like LBJ in Vietnam, American shoulders would get
cold. Gates and Clinton are
thinking how to make the war with Iran justifiable. That's where
nuclear talks get louder and louder.
The war-mongers want to call Iran a public enemy just as FDR called
Japan an evil nation in the summer
of 1941 before Pearl Harbor air attack in December. it was the scheme
to get out of the depression.
"The New Deal did not work. WW2 got us out of that long suffering US
economy" John Kenneth Galbraith
said in my interview at his Cambridge Massachusetts home April 10,
2003. I have a tape and will not
forget the interview because my mother passed away that morning.
2/9/2010 6:29:06 PM
Recommend (6)
iseheijiro wrote:
At one time my country, Japan was an enemy of America. Now we are your
friend and important ally.
I was born in 1941 and I frequently look to the past to WWII and try to
understand the root causes for the war.
One of many reasons the war was fought was the October 1929 Wall Street
stock exchange meltdown.
Another was 1919 Versailles Treaty against Pruisen (Germany),the German
Mark hit 1 trillion to 1 that is
huge hype-inflation. That means Germany's wealth was completely wiped
out. The Nazi party decided to
take back all the land they lost as the result of WW1. Fast forward to
today, the way Gates is talking,
he seems to want to take us to WWIII. Now, I have a big question, as
America's ally what is Japan's role?
We don't have any conflict with Iran, Iraq or Afghanistan. No Arabs nor
Muslims show hatred toward Japanese.
If the US wants to go to war with Iran, Japan should stay out of it.
2/7/2010 4:19:32 PM
Recommend (3)
iseheijiro wrote:
Iranian can have their bombs, so can Japanese. Its all up to their will
not Americans nor Israelis.
In my view every nation can have bombs just like Americans are allowed
to bear arms to protect their families.
2/8/2010 12:05:28 AM21:30 2010/02/25
Recommend (1)
johnnyboston wrote:
iseheijiro wrote:
Iran gets bombs within a year. US led sanctions get tougher.
Iran makes more bombs,,Bomb making technologies are common knowledge.
US will lose the respect from her allies like Japan. Big mouth and
little achievement always lose respect.
I don't have much respect for America these days.
Considering Japan has the second largest economy in the world, how
about pulling some weight
and telling China that if North Korea continues to develop nuclear
weapons, so will Japan?
2/8/2010 7:27:55 PM
Recommend (0)
iseheijiro wrote:
johnnyboston, Thanks Unfortunately, my country Nippon has no spine.
The people nor our government want to change its pacifist constitution.
They don't want to change Article 9. It is a clause in the National
Constitution of Japan
that prohibits an act of war by the state. The Constitution came into
effect on May 3, 1947,
immediately following World War II. In its text, the state formally
renounces war as a
sovereign right and bans settlement of international disputes through
the use of force.
The article also states that, to accomplish these aims, armed forces
with war potential will not be maintained.
As you can see this pacifist constitution has cut the spine out of the
Japanese back.
Its so convenient for Japanese to excuse our troops from not
participating in combat missions of any war.
Because of this cowardice attitude China, Russia and North Korea ignore
Japan's demands, such as the
return of the girls abducted by Kim Jon IL. American has also been
irritated by the Japanese Jujitsu tactics.
Japan is far away from becoming a nuclear nation. However, if Japan
were attacked by a foreign military,
then she would turn into a nuclear giant immediately. US does not want
to see this happens.
2/8/2010 10:27:38 PM
Recommend (1)
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